Profit First Kickstart Program
Profit First Kickstart Program
Designed for implementing Profit First into businesses via a 12 week short intensive program.
What can you expect? It will be weekly Zoom sessions for 60 mins each week and you will be required to take action with some homework tasks given.
It is designed for those who need and want to make change in their business quickly.
It will get you up running with understanding your cash flow so you can make changes and start working towards a sustainable business.
I will mention this is not ongoing one on one mentoring, that is a separate offering which you may choose afterwards or initially.
You will learn the basics of your Money behaviours and how to change this in this kickstart program.
Free Bonuses-
1- Access to the DIY Kickstart learning platform (Value $495)
2- Access to the monthly Advanced Profit First Membership live call ($500 per session)
You will never be charged extra for these services and you will have access for all new content uploaded for as long as the course is available.
Investment is-
$3000 plus GST upfront ($3300Total)
$400 plus GST per week for 8 weeks payment plan ($3520 Total)
After the Kick start Program you may wish to continue working with me via the Profit First Quarterly review - Or on a Project one on one basis